An expensive mistake!

Many (travel) insurers offer travel cancellation insurance and many credit cards already include cancellation insurance when travel bookings are paid for by credit card.

Is charter cancellation insurance from YACHT-POOL then superfluous?

Beware of this fallacy: a charter cruise is no ordinary voyage

Because a charter cruise is not an ordinary trip and cannot be compared with booking a rental car, the promises of benefits made by many credit-type insurers are in vain. The case of a charterer who had to cancel his trip for health reasons made the headlines. He thought he was insured with the additional benefits of his credit card.
An expensive mistake! The cancellation insurance included only applied to package tours. It was only through the intervention of the press that he received part of the hoped-for benefit as a gesture of goodwill.
Read here: ⏩

Conventional cancellation insurance does not cover skippers

Even if a cancellation insurance policy has been taken out that also covers the booking costs of a charter cruise, you will not find any terms such as “skipper” and “crew” in the small print, and certainly not their special dependency relationship.

This is because only if the skipper is also the policyholder of the cancellation insurance and has booked the charter himself will the cancellation insurance cover the charter company’s cancellation costs in the event of skipper failure. However, the crew members remain liable for the cancellation costs of their arrival and departure, as the crew is not insured. If a crew member cancels because he or one of his family members falls ill, this is also not an insured event for the skipper’s cancellation insurance – no cover, no benefit.

Many conventional cancellation insurance policies also limit their benefits to a few thousand euros and also discriminate against older customers by excluding them or charging a higher premium.

The charter cancellation insurance from YACHT-POOL – developed by skippers for skippers!

Only YACHT-POOL ‘s charter cancellation insurance is as diverse as the composition of a charter crew. Only the charter cancellation insurance from YACHT-POOL takes into account the mutual dependencies and different cost allocations in a flexible manner – if desired also individually. This means that singles, couples, families or berth charterers traveling together can tailor their insurance cover to their personal situation. For all ages and for every charter trip.

YACHT-POOL recommends:

No cruise without the right charter cancellation insurance from YACHT-POOL:

✔ Worldwide protection – from the day of policy issue to the last day of travel
✔ Covered are the total costs for charter and – if desired – also for flights and hotel costs
✔ We recommend a deductible of 20% – also possible without a deductible on request
✔ Failure of the skipper
If the skipper is unable to start the charter cruise, e.g. due to his own illness or the illness of a family member, and no replacement skipper can be found and the cruise therefore does not take place, the costs incurred for the skipper and crew will be reimbursed
✔ Failure of a crew member
if a crew member is unable to travel due to illness or illness of a family member, the proportionate costs for the crew member will be reimbursed.
✔ If two people have booked together and one cancels, the second person can also cancel. Further individual designs are possible.
✔ Trip interruption
The above regulations also apply if the trip has to be terminated prematurely by the skipper or crew members. The costs for the unused part of the charter will be reimbursed if a further charter is not possible.
✔ Insurance cover is also provided for serious damage to property at home, for example due to fire or burglary

Make sure you take out the ⏩ right charter cancellation insurance before your next trip!

The YACHT-POOL crew will be happy to answer any questions you may have!

Dr. Friedrich Schöchl

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