Insurance for charter skippers

Skipper liability insurance, charter deposit insurance, skipper accident insurance, charter consequential loss insurance, skipper legal protection, charter consequential loss insurance and charter cancellation insurance.

YACHT-POOL - The way better insurance

Dr. Schöchl, founder of Yacht-Pool, was the first to recognize the high personal liability risk of the skipper in the charter sector, formulated the corresponding cover concept and is thus regarded as the inventor of skipper liability insurance. Over the decades, Yacht-Pool developed as a pioneer, innovator and initiator, a trendsetter in the charter industry and a kind of “ombudsman” for questions that go beyond insurance solutions.

Ein Paar sitzt auf einem Segelboot in der Sonne.

Skipper liability insurance

In principle, the skipper is liable for any damage he has culpably caused to others with all his present and future assets – without limitation! That is your risk! YACHT-POOL includes gross negligence and the defense against unjustified third-party claims. You do not know the scope of insurance for the chartered yacht!

Ein schwarz-weißer Propeller, der auf einem Holztisch sitzt.

Charter deposit insurance

Every skipper knows how quickly the harmony of the crew is severely disrupted if damage is caused by one crew member and everyone is asked to pay. Why should everyone have to pay for the damage that only one person has caused – usually the skipper himself – out of his responsibility as skipper ?

Ein im Wasser schwimmender Rettungsring.

Skipper accident insurance

YACHT-POOL’s skipper accident insurance covers you regardless of whether you are at fault or not and covers accident costs for disability and temporary accident costs – even if you are not at fault and the injured party is a family member.

Ein Mann wäscht ein Segelboot auf einem Bootslift.

Charter consequential loss insurance

There is a risk that you will cause damage to the charter vessel and therefore the vessel will no longer be operational in time for the subsequent charter and you may be held liable by law or under the charter contract for the charter loss. Charter consequential loss insurance covers justified recourse claims due to charter failure.

Ein hölzernes Steuerrad vor einem Schiff.

Skipper legal protection insurance

Because being right is one thing, but being proven right is another. Legal disputes abroad can be very expensive. Legal fees to foreign lawyers are usually payable in advance and must be paid by you even if you win the case.

Ein Segelboot liegt im klaren blauen Wasser vor Anker.

Charter cancellation insurance

The yacht for your cruise is booked, the crew is complete and the anticipation is already high – nothing can go wrong now, can it? Unfortunately already! What happens if the skipper has an accident shortly before the trip? When a family member falls seriously ill? Your vacation falls through – and you’re stuck with the cancellation costs.

Our charter insurance for:

Sailing yachts

Motor yachts

Sailing catamarans

Motor catamarans

Other boats

Why Yacht-Pool

Since its foundation in 1976, the aim of YACHT-POOL has aimed to develop the best conditions in the charter insurance sector. YACHT-POOL recognized the importance of the charter industry early on and is regarded as a pioneer and innovator for all insurances for charter skippers: YACHT-POOL is THE inventor of skipper liability insurance, charter deposit, and cancellation insurance, always true to the motto “Less risk, more fun with the right charter insurance.”

When we are asked what sets us apart from other competitors, there are of course many reasons that we could give based on our numerous positive Google reviews. YACHT-POOL is one of the charter and yacht insurers with the most and best Google reviews for its customer service and claims settlement! This sets us apart from our competitors – exactly where it counts!

The advantages of YACHT-POOL charter insurance at a glance

Claims service

For fast and personal assistance in the event of damage. Report damage simply and easily. We are here for you and will help you as quickly as possible.

Be smart – avoid the damage! Recognize dangers as a precaution, avert them correctly and save time, money and trouble! We want to prepare you accordingly.

Ein Segelboot liegt im Wasser neben einer Broschüre.

Relevant contributions

Here you will find regularly updated articles with valuable information and expert advice on yacht and skipper insurance, as well as the latest developments, safety tips and industry-specific updates to make your enjoyment as a yacht and boat owner or charter skipper worry-free.

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About Yacht-Pool


Dr. Schöchl initially wanted nothing to do with insurance. However, he was greatly annoyed by the poor conditions at the expense of the customers of the family business Sunbeam Yachts, which is why he wrote the YACHT-POOL hull and liability conditions, thus becoming the initiator of all-risk coverage. A fundamental innovation in boat and yacht insurance. They far surpassed traditional individual risk coverage in terms of customer orientation!

Since insurance conditions could not be patented, they were gradually copied by competitors over the years and are now in the market. At YACHT-POOL, policyholders were grouped into a “POOL” – hence the name YACHT-POOL, which was intended to speak with one voice and provide a counterweight to insurance companies and their teams of lawyers, to which the individual was always inferior.

In the charter sector, Dr. Schöchl was the first to recognize the high personal liability risk of the charter skipper, which he considered unacceptable. He formulated and wrote the corresponding skipper liability conditions, thus launching the protection of charter skippers. He is therefore considered one of the inventors of Skipper Liability Insurance.

But it didn’t stop there. Further specialized insurances such as charter deposit insurance, charter cancellation insurance, and a range of other coverage concepts were developed. In professional circles, YACHT-POOL thus became a pioneer in charter insurance and trendsetter for water sports insurance.

Moreover, YACHT-POOL evolved into a kind of “ombudsman” for questions that went beyond insurance solutions. This includes the quality seal
“CHECKED & TRUSTED Financial Security,” which provides charterers with better guidance in choosing economically stable charter agencies and fleet operators, thereby minimizing the risk of insolvency.

Über Yacht-POOL - Dr. Schöchl referiert über die Haftung des Skippers.

Dr. Friedrich Schöchl: Esteemed speaker and author of the book “The Liability of the Skipper.”
Photo credit:

Moreover, YACHT-POOL evolved into a kind of “ombudsman” for questions that went beyond insurance solutions. This includes the quality seal
“CHECKED & TRUSTED Financial Security,” which provides charterers with better guidance in choosing economically stable charter agencies and fleet operators, thereby minimizing the risk of insolvency.

Equally important was the development of the “FairCharter Contract” – a standard contract of terms and conditions for charterers designed to protect the charter skipper from problematic “voluntary liability agreements” where no insurance coverage applies.

The international associations EBI (European Boating Industry) in Brussels and ICOMIA (International Council of Marine Industry Associations) in London adopted this contract as a model for international and official general charter standard conditions.

With its initiatives, YACHT-POOL became a pioneer, innovator, and initiator, setting the trend and thus …

… much more than just an insurance company!